国际知名新闻《Discovery News》报道自驱动液态金属软体动物
- 分类:行业新闻
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- 发布时间:2022-09-02 11:51
【概要描述】Now scientists have made a little drop of metal that's able to propel itself through liquid andchange shape to fit through a narrow passage.
国际知名新闻《Discovery News》报道自驱动液态金属软体动物
【概要描述】Now scientists have made a little drop of metal that's able to propel itself through liquid andchange shape to fit through a narrow passage.
- 分类:行业新闻
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- 发布时间:2022-09-02 11:51
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Liquid Metal Drop Shapeshifts Like a 'Terminator' Bot

When I think of any kind of liquid metal form changing shape and moving around on its ownaccord, I can't help but conjure up images of the T-1000 robot assassin from the movie,Terminator 2: Judgment Day.
Now scientists have made a little drop of metal that's able to propel itself through liquid andchange shape to fit through a narrow passage.
The Robot Takeover Is Coming
Although this little drop of liquid metal is no shapeshifting Nanomorph, it does have somefascinating properties that could one day be used to develop new methods for delivering drugsthrough blood vessels.
To make the liquid metal drop, scientists from Tsinghua University in China mixed togethergallium,indium and tin. Next, they attached a tiny bit of aluminum to the drop. When droppedinto a container of sodium hydroxide - or even salt water - the aluminum created a chemicalreaction with the solution that produced tiny bubbles,which propelled the drop.
The propulsion was enhanced by a natural imbalance of electric charges occurring between thefront and back of the drop. As long as the aluminum bit was on the back end of the drop, itmoved forward.
The scientists placed the drop into a container with channels and the drop followed the pre-
designated path. If the path narrowed, the drop was able to adjust its shape and squeeze through.
The Plan To Stop Killer Robots!
These experiments build on previous work from this team,which is interested in developing softrobots that can change shape and move on their own. Is it an emotionless cyborg possessing asuperior command of martial arts skills? Only time will tell.
