国际知名科技杂志《IEEE 纵览》评介液态金属电子书写技术
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- 发布时间:2022-09-02 11:55
【概要描述】I'm not ashamed to admit it-my soldering skills (/video/geek-life/hands-on/nyc-soldering-championship) stink.
国际知名科技杂志《IEEE 纵览》评介液态金属电子书写技术
【概要描述】I'm not ashamed to admit it-my soldering skills (/video/geek-life/hands-on/nyc-soldering-championship) stink.
- 分类:行业新闻
- 作者:
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- 发布时间:2022-09-02 11:55
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How to Brew Your Own Conductive lnk
I'm not ashamed to admit it-my soldering skills (/video/geek-life/hands-on/nyc-soldering-championship) stink. That puts a real crimp in my ability to prototype circuit ideas.Breadboards work, but by design, they significantly constrain how you can arrange components.

So I was excited when I spotted a preprint article on ArXiv.org (http:/ /arxiv.org/abs/1309.0969)describing a new liquid-metal ink. Conductive inks made from silver nanoparticles have been availablefor some time; recently, a group at Georgia Tech demonstrated a way to use them in inkjet printers tocreate custom circuits (http://www.cc.gatech.edu/news/georgia-tech-develops-inkjet-based-circuits-fraction-time-and-cost). But they are quite pricey, and 1'm not keen on the idea of pumping metal
through my printer. In contrast, this new ink can be used in an ordinary roller-ball pen to draw circuittraces, and the recipe for making the ink is amazingly straightforward: Mix 75.5 parts gallium with24.5 parts indium in a beaker of deionized water, heat to 5o C, stir, and voila: an alloy that's liquid atroom temperature, costs about US $1 per milliliter, and is two orders of magnitude more conductivethan the nanoparticle inks; its resistivity is just 17 times that ofcopper. This I had to try.
