国际知名科技杂志《IEEE 纵览》评介液态金属神经连接技术
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- 发布时间:2022-09-02 13:34
【概要描述】Liquid Metal Reconnects Severed Nerves in Frogs
国际知名科技杂志《IEEE 纵览》评介液态金属神经连接技术
【概要描述】Liquid Metal Reconnects Severed Nerves in Frogs
- 分类:行业新闻
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- 发布时间:2022-09-02 13:34
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Liquid Metal Reconnects Severed Nerves in Frogs
Severed nerves in the body can lead to the loss of muscle function and muscle atrophy, unless the severed nerve endings get reconnected.One possible new solution devised by Chinese researchers usesliquid metal to create an electrical conduit capable of transmitting signals between the severed nerveends.
The liquid metal solution consists of a gallium-indium-tin(GaInSn) alloy that has successfully bridgedsevered sciatic nerves
taken from the calf muscles of bullfrogs, according to 'Technology Review
nerves/#comments). A team at Tsinghua University in Beijing showed that the metal alloy—capable ofremaining liquid at body temperature and thought to be benign-could transmit nerve signals muchmore effectively than the commonly-used Ringer's solution meant to mimic the salt mixture in bodyfluids.