- 分类:行业新闻
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- 发布时间:2022-09-02 13:41
【概要描述】Chinese biomedical engineers haveused liquid metal to transmit electrical signalsacross thegap insevered sciatic nerves. The workraises theprospectof anewtreatment for nerve injuries. they say.
【概要描述】Chinese biomedical engineers haveused liquid metal to transmit electrical signalsacross thegap insevered sciatic nerves. The workraises theprospectof anewtreatment for nerve injuries. they say.
- 分类:行业新闻
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- 发布时间:2022-09-02 13:41
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Liquid Metal Used to Reconnect Severed Nerves
Chinese biomedical engineers haveused liquid metal to transmit electrical signalsacross thegap insevered sciatic nerves. The workraises theprospectof anewtreatment for nerve injuries. they say.
When peripheral nerves are severed, the loss of function leads to atrophy of the effected muscles, a dramatic change inquality of life and, in many cases, a shorter life expectancy.
Despite decades of research, nobody has come up with an effective way to reconnect nerves that have been severed.
Various techniques exist to sew the ends back together or to graft nerves into the gap that is created between severed ends.
Ultimately, the success of these techniques depends on the ability of the nerve ends to grow back and knit together.Butgiven
that nerves grow at the rate of one mm per day, it can take a significant amount of time, sometimes years, to
reconnect. And during this time, the muscles can degrade beyond repair, leading to long-term disability.