国际知名期刊《Physics Todaty》点评液态金属神经连接技术
- 分类:行业新闻
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- 发布时间:2022-09-02 13:43
【概要描述】New Scientist An alloy of gallium, indium, and selenium has been successfully used toconnect the transected sciatic nerve of 10 bullfrogs.
国际知名期刊《Physics Todaty》点评液态金属神经连接技术
【概要描述】New Scientist An alloy of gallium, indium, and selenium has been successfully used toconnect the transected sciatic nerve of 10 bullfrogs.
- 分类:行业新闻
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- 发布时间:2022-09-02 13:43
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News Picks : Liquid metal used to reconnect severed nerves from bullfrogs
New Scientist An alloy of gallium, indium, and selenium has been successfully used toconnect the transected sciatic nerve of 10 bullfrogs, according to Jing Liu of TsinghuaUniversity in Beijing and colleagues.After removing the nerve, the researchers tested itsability to conduct an electrical impulse both before severing it and after reconnecting it withthe liquid metal alloy. They also compared using the alloy versus Ringer's solution, whichconsists of several salts dissolved in water meant to simulate an animal's bodily fluids.They found that the nerves reconnected by the alloy worked as well as the healthy nervesand better than those fixed with Ringer's solution.They also tried removing the liquid metalfrom a severed frog's leg by using x rays to locate the alloy and a syringe to extricate it.Because liquid metal is poisonous to humans, however, the procedure will have toundergo extensive safety testing before it can be approved for clinical trials.
